Ok folks. We're doing this.
This whole small business social media/blog thing is pretty new to me, and it seems like a good idea to introduce myself. So, Hello, my name is Lauren, and I am a recovering perfectionist with big dreams. It is not in my nature to be vulnerable and writing about myself definitely fall into that category. It just so happens that my big dreams require me to put myself out there. So, here we go...
My day-to-day titles include mom, wife, Registered Massage Therapist, nature lover and crazy cat lady. My hubby and I live in Edmonton, AB, Canada with our son (almost 5) and two cats (Rex & Flora).
When my son was one, I decided to go back to school...again. I'm a bit of a life-long learner. After a Bachelors degree in Psychology, a certificate in Make up Artistry, and lots of other management and leadership classes, Massage Therapy was up next. The idea of becoming an RMT had been in the back of my mind for a few years, but I found reasons to not follow through. I don't know if the Universe was tired of waiting for me, but the stars aligned and I started two of the hardest years of my life (I will save that story for another post).
Lots of people have asked me why I chose Massage Therapy, and I always say, I don't really know. The best I can come up with is, it was the answer at the end of a bunch of questions. I knew what I didn't want in a job, and with each job that list would grew bigger. Slowly, that shifted into a list of things I wanted: to work for myself; to help people; something related to wellness (that I didn't have to be super ripped for); something I could become an expert in and do part time. The part I don't know is how my brain landed on massage, but I am sure glad it did. For the first time in my life, I can see the path of my career unfolding, and I feel like I belong.
Before becoming an RMT, the jobs I found interesting had some component of education. My original big hairy goal was to be an educational psychologist and create a better school system (formal education and I have our differences). It amazes me now how, even in a different field, my sights have come back to education. Every treatment is a chance to teach my clients more about their bodies, or for me to learn more about theirs. I find myself seeking out "the truth" in an industry marred with grey area. AND my big hairy goal is still to change the education system, but now it is in health education. I believe we need to teach kids from a very young age how their bodies work and how to properly take care of them. Then it can become as automatic as brushing our teeth. *steps off soap box*
See what I mean about big dreams. Well, I read a quote somewhere that said "it's better to do less than you expect than to do nothing at all." This really speaks to my recovering perfectionist. Any big task can only be accomplished with clichés and by taking one step at a time. Introducing myself seemed like a good place to start.
To sum it all up, its really great to meet you. I can't promise I have all the answers, and I may make some mistakes along the way, but I will keep trying (because apparently I can't stop myself). Our collective health is worth it.
Thanks very much! I will keep them coming.😄
This is a great start, Lauren. I will look forward to further blog posts.